Chicago Heated Tent Rental: ‘Musts’ of an Awesome Party Tent

Chicago Heated Tent Rental: ‘Musts’ of an Awesome Party Tent 1It may be cold outside, but the breezy Chicago temps can’t ice your vision of an awesome outdoor event. Heated party tents can make any event comfortable and enjoyable, bringing extra space to a restaurant March Madness party or fashionable cover to any event planned during questionable weather. (In Chicago, that questionable weather can happen any time of year!)

Think of a heated party tent as an extra layer of insurance. A heated tent ensures that the event can go on—even when it’s cold or rainy. It can also go on comfortably (no matter what the weather), if the following considerations are factored in during event planning.


Chicago Heated Tent Rental: ‘Musts’ of an Awesome Party Tent 2Guests should expect to feel cozy in a heated tent without feeling crowded. The first step of a heated tent rental is to determine what size of tent is needed and the location of the event. Tent rental companies need an estimated guest count to connect the planner with the right-sized tent.

The location of the event tent does need to be more exact than the guest count. Before renting, determine the size of the area for the tent, if there is space around the tent for stakes, and whether the surface is hard or suitable for stakes. Proper installation hinges on proper support (with or without stakes). This criterion also plays a part in the total cost of the heated tent rental. Once both criteria are set, contact a local Chicago tent rental company for a quote.

Heat & Climate Control

A heated tent is a must for any outdoor event, especially on cool Chicago nights. Climate control is a must for guest comfort. In addition to heaters, rent a heated tent with a climate control thermostat. The thermostat keeps the tent (and guests) at a comfortable temperature.

Crowded tents also tent to be incredibly hot. If planning an event where a crowd is expected, consider adding fans to the event rental list. Free-standing or mounted fans can properly circulate air, which ensures that guests stay longer and enjoy the comfortable atmosphere.


heated tent sidewall with cathedral windowsToday, event organizers have more options for sidewalls than ever before. Tent sidewalls may be essential for keeping a heated tent comfortable, but they can also be a detail that contributes to the overall event atmosphere. Clear and windowed sidewalls can give an event an indoor-outdoor feel, even when the temps are cool. The type of sidewall can also give the event a casual or formal feel. To determine the best sidewalls for the event, ask the professionals to recommend the best sidewalls appropriate for the occasion.

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